About us

Why do we care about this issue?

We care about this issue because we know just how prevalent it is, not only in our own society but the entire world. We want to spread awareness and facts so that we can prevent suicides from occurring and save lives from being ended too early. Even if our website saves just 1 life, this would all have been a success.

Who is this website's intended audience?

This websites intended audience is everybody and anybody. This information is valuable and people should know it. They should know how to handle suicidal thoughts and the victims of suicidal thoughts correctly and safely.

Is money an objective for this website?

No, money isn't an objective for us. We believe suicide is something that should not be profited off of and this information should be easily accessed and free. Having basic human compassion is so much more important to us than money.

Have we faced suicidal thoughts/people?

Yes. I have a friend that is doing well currently but was suicidal before. I dismissed their feelings and thoughts, making them feel even worse and I regret doing that every day. I just didn't know any better but we want that to not happen to anyone else and this website is a solution to that.

What sources were used for the information? Visit OurWorldInData Visit CDC Visit SpeakingOfSuicide