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Your friend has told you he wants to die. What do you say?

"Drop the act." ❌ Assume they are telling the truth because it's better to be a victim of a insensitive joke than have a suicidal friend think you don't take them seriously.

“I’m so glad you told me that you’re thinking of suicide.” ✅ You convey that you welcome and encourage disclosure of suicidal thoughts, and that you can handle it.

“What’s going on that makes you want to die?” ✅ This invitation to the suicidal person to tell their story can provide validation, engender a sense of connection, and show that you really want to understand. Show empathy.

"You don't matter." ❌ Are you serious? This is an obvious no-no. Saying this to someone suicidal is the absolute worst thing you can say and if you say it, you're pushing them over the edge and becoming a reason for them to commit suicide.

What are some symptoms/events that cause suicide?

Someone's mother died from committing suicide. ✅ A death of a loved one, especially a parent can cause depression and lead to suicidal thoughts. Suicide doesn't take the pain away, it just passes it on to another person.

Someone made a bad investment that made them lose all their money. ✅ Losing a lot of money is terrible and can make anybody greatly stressed and/or depressed, but losing all your money because of a bad idea on your part will surely cause suicidal and pessimistic thoughts to arise in most people.

Someone loses all their motivation and isolate themselves from everyone else. ✅ This is a common symptom of depression, and if depression persists, suicide becomes a common act.

A person is bullied every day at school. ✅ Bullying is a leading cause of suicide around the world. It causes the victim to develop depression, feel like the world is agaisnt him

You are having suicidal thoughts. What should you do?

Call 1-800-273-8255. ✅ This is the National Emergency Suicide Hotline. If you are ever feeling suicidal, please dial this number and call it.

Do nothing and hope the suicidal thoughts go away. ❌ You can't just hope and pray that the suicidal thoughts go away, it's not that easy unfortunately. You must speak to someone you're comfortable with or to someone who knows what you're going through and can empathize.

Do something that makes you feel good. ✅ Doing stuff that make you feel good like exercising can be very helpful when dealing with suicidal thoughts because your brain releases endorphin, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. These are "feel good" chemicals that'll help fight those negative thoughts.

Embrace and believe the suicidal thoughts. ❌ Never. Never embrace those thoughts because their only going to worsen you and make you even more suicidal. If you can't stop embracing these thoughts, immediately call the suicide hotline or talk to someone. Remember, if you commit suicide, you're not getting rid of the pain, you're just passing it on to someone else that holds you dearly.